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    Re: Funny But Maybe Not Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on November 21, 2016, 3:39 pm, in reply to "Re: Funny But Maybe Not"

    WUS, it's hard for people younger than us (and I bet I have ten years on you), to understand our logic.

    When we were kids we accepted authority and respected it. When we got in trouble at school, we got in trouble at home. Now days parents run down to the school every time someone says boo to their kid or doesn't open their milk carton for them. God forbid a teacher tell them to sit in the corner or makes them write on the board.

    Our fathers came back from war and resumed their lives. They went back to work and put the war behind them. This generation, and I respect them greatly, come back with this new PTSD issue. They can't find work. They can't keep a family together and they become victims of their own minds. Ask yourself what the difference is.

    The 60's were mentioned and that is indeed when the liberal shift took over. Guys didn't want to fight so they fled to Canada. College students not only didn't support the war but they were so stupid that they blamed the guys that were sent to fight that war and treated them like dirt on their return. That generation should be deeply ashamed because they created what we live with today.

    If someone is a liberal they believe in free everything. Free speech, free love, free everything. They want to be taken care of where as with people our age, we were told by mom and dad (who still lived together) to stand on our own feet and not to depend on them. When they passed away, we knew why they raised us like that.

    I'm generalizing as I agree, some didn't turn out like this. However, you tell no "falsities" in your post. It's real and it's something not many people want to face up to.

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