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    Re: Funny But Maybe Not Archived Message

    Posted by whatusay on November 20, 2016, 7:31 pm, in reply to "Funny But Maybe Not"

    I don't know what to think anymore. I sit here some days and just shake my head in disbelief. I have made my feelings known on this board before about what a disservice some of the modern day parents have done to their children. But I believe we have reached an all time low.

    We are now graced with an entire generation of wimpy, self centered brats who require stroking and hugging, coloring books and Play-do, thanks to their parents who moved heaven and earth to buy them not only everything they wanted, but the BEST of everything. Parents who apparently caved when these kids threw a fit at the mere suggestion that they might be told no about something have created immature adults who expect the same response from teachers, bosses, basically anyone they deal with in the real world.

    When the candidate you wanted to become president does not win the election you don't walk out of your high school! Most aren't eighteen and old enough to vote while in high school! If you are in college, oh hell, get a grip! You will live, you will survive, NO you don't need to run to the Student Union looking for a "safe space" where you can curl into a fetal position, bawling your eyes out, while college professors stroke your hair, wipe your tears and offer you a "comfort animal" to pet!

    Now these same adults are starting to have kids of their own and are now saying that "Schools Expect Too Much of Working Parents". Oh, please!

    Is there no limit to the endless hand holding, the continuous whining and need for special treatment for these people? Now we are into second generation wussdom!

    If you have a child, that child is your responsibility all the way through their school career. Now, school districts and administrators are being mean to these new parents, basically "expecting too much" from them.

    Yes, if your child is sick, it's YOUR responsibility to pick them up or arrange to have them collected from school by another adult. No, the school is not going to give your child Tylenol when they have a headache, because your generation will be the first consulting an attorney if something negative resulted from doing so. Yes, there are days of continued learning for teachers and you will be required to find daycare, and the list goes on. You should read the article to see what I'm talking about.

    Before you have children you need to consider who will be taking care of them if both parents are working. You cannot cave into every whim and wish out of guilt because they are in daycare after school. Maybe it's time to let go of unrealistic life styles, you know $3500 mortgage payments on top of a thousand dollars in car payments, keeping up with the Jones that require two incomes. Let go of needing a new care every two to three years and STAY HOME with your children. YOU will be the one shaping them into strong, responsible adults-not raising pampered little monsters who learn how to manipulate at an early age thanks to barely hands on parents. Let them experience a few disappointments, teach them resiliency and pride of relying on themselves.

    A parent's job is teaching them NOT TO NEED A PARENT, to become hardworking, self sufficient and reliant. It is to teach them that real life is going to throw them curve after curve and you will not be there, teachers will not be there and they will be forced to solve problems, pick themselves up off the floor occasionally, to keep a freaking stiff upper lip and to keep calm and carry on.

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