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    Re: Grade A Archived Message

    Posted by gossiper on October 6, 2013, 9:28 pm, in reply to "Re: Grade A"

    I registered in order to reply to this thread. Granite City for the most part has really good schools, something I did not realize until after moving away. I don't have much experience in many of the schools, but Frohardt is a wonderful school, that we miss very much. My daughter is in 4th grade and was at Frohardt K-2nd and they were wonderful. They have a zero tolerance for bullying, have a great gifted program and overall curriculum. We moved to a smaller district and while we feel we are in a much safer neighborhood, the school here are so far behind Granite's. First the district has given all students an IPAD. Besides that though, the curriculum is terrible. 4th graders spelling words are things like stone, quote, clay..... much to easy and they do not have a gifted program until junior high. So I would not be complaining about the pay of educators and administration in Granite, you are getting what you pay for, a good education for your kids!

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