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    Re: Grade A Archived Message

    Posted by opinionated on October 6, 2013, 5:54 pm, in reply to "Re: Grade A"

    He makes more than 3 times what the average Granite Citian

    Yes and that's because too many Granite Citians put their faith in factories always being here. This man, and others in his profession, went to college, received a masters and several other endorsements to achieve their title. Saying he makes more isn't even an apples to apples comparison.

    Unfortunately too many in this town have settled. They didn't pursue their post high school education so now they pay for it. They're stuck in go nowhere jobs making sub standard wages. That's still not the fault of Greenwald or his peers.

    If your dream job earns you less than $100 K, dream bigger, work harder and achieve more. Don't be jealous. Be aggressive. You can leave the area but you won't leave taxes. Any state you go to these days unless it's some remedial area pay their educators well. It's looked at as a long term investment.

    Sorry machine. You have to do better than to compare him to the average Granite Citian. By is mere work ethic and his desire to achieve, he's already above those people economically speaking. I bet you'll never hear him referred to as "baby daddy" or welfare king.

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