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    Re: Grade A Archived Message

    Posted by Opinionated on October 5, 2013, 7:35 pm, in reply to "Re: Grade A"

    No one likes taxes. So if you cut the salaries of people like Greenwald who do you get? Let's say he makes $150,000. I'd bet the man puts in sixty hours or more a week counting meetings, school events etc... That makes his salary about $50/hr.

    If he was an hourly person twenty of those hours would be paid at time and a half. I know many professionals who make a great deal more than that.

    Is $150,000 a great deal of money by most GC standards? Yes. Is it out of line for the profession? Yes, it's lower than most.

    A teacher with the same amount of experience probably goes in around $70K these days. Given a stipend for coaching or something extra it may be more. They work 8 hours a day, for 9 months. If they worked 13 months ( and I'm a believer in year round school) and they made 25% more they would be near $100,000 and not have the superintendents responsibility.

    If our professional people don't see attractive salaries here they will go elsewhere to areas where making over $100,000 isn't a sin. As long as he pays his taxes( and by the way that means he pays part of his salary), lives in the community(by the way that means he pays back part of that salary in property taxes) and most importantly does his job, I'm good with where he's at compared to his peers.

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