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    Re: Previous Post Archived Message

    Posted by MrsC93 on February 6, 2011, 1:30 pm, in reply to "Re: Previous Post"

    Well said all of you. It really gripes my butt that those who need it have to jump through hoops in order to get assistance of any kind. I am currently laid off but thank God hubby is back to work and i have recently returned back to college But there was a short period of time when we were laid off together and unemployment just doesn't cut it but like someone said earlier, you got to make tough financial choices and cut back on the luxury items. I get angered over the fact that some of these people that abuse the system dress better than some of us and you can bet they don't shop the thrift stores to get their stuff (like me). I worked for a local agency before getting laid off due to budget cuts and can tell some of you some horror stories. I have had former clients tap their beautiful nails on my desk and demand more services because they were entitled to it. Hmmm seriously.....GET A JOB or GO TO SCHOOL. I have seen to where some of my former clients got $700 a month on LINK, WIC for their children (which is an awesome program )plus cash assistance, energy assistance and HUD. UGH! Sorry guys, I got on a roll.....but I am sure you get where i was going....

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