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    Re: Musing on the Budget Showdown Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on July 26, 2011, 3:14 pm, in reply to "Re: Musing on the Budget Showdown"

    Thanks for the kind words. I am kind of just surveying where I am with all of this.

    I ignore it and then when I do, I come back to it and it gets more senseless.

    It's public knowledge that I supported Obama in the last election. It's frightening how the field for 2012 is playing out.

    I cannot be the only one disillusioned with Obama and I cannot be the only one who cannot trust the Republicans at this point.

    I think many disillusioned voting in 2010 thought that the Tea Party was singing their song...

    But after seeing some of these characters like Scott Walker and Kasich...and the prospects of having someone like Bachmann in charge.. left many other would-be tea-party(ers) still disillusioned.

    So I"m standing there showering, thinking about what I had to do today and the things that affect my immediate world..and as the shampoo fell from my thinking cap...I started thinking about what it would take to begin a new movement.

    An 'America First Approach.' It's a conservatively economic approach - but doesn't favor the same old crowd that controls all the money.

    It's a socially mixed approach. On one hand, we revamp and improve entitlements - but we can't let them dry up.

    We're stict on securing the border - but we're not impossible with people who have done some of the baseline jobs for the least pay. Collecting much needed tax revenue and knowing who is in our country sounds like a more sensible approach than 12,000,000 deportations...and less costly.

    200 year old buildings begin to deteriorate and crumble.

    I believe our framework is crumbling, our sewers, roads, power grids.

    We have to stop bailing out the world. We have to reform how we spend.

    We have to invest it all in the US of A. We have to then make sure that it's lucrative to buy "Made in the USA" and spur job creation.

    Lastly.... we have to really put a leash on these corporations. Why the hell are they not paying taxes?

    This approach is still simplistic and that's why yours truly is not running for president.

    Still...I believe in a 10-year "Fast" -- where taxes go up to some degree...and spending goes down. We need a party who will help us buckle down....and then help us to rebuild what we are and who we are.

    The Roosevelt Programs and the Eisenhower Interstate system helped insure prosperity for some time.

    Well we are broken again. We have to fix who we are...and quit trying to fix the world.

    Prisoners need to get out of the cells and stand under the sun for a while and at least at minimum wage...work for the amount that it costs to house them.

    So anyway..thanks for the reply MJM -- sorry to the others for another 'long' 'preachy' reply.

    It's just that I view us as the Titanic...and it will take us quite some time to shore up the walls...weld it back to good working order and bail out the water.

    But unfortunately, the Captain just keeps preaching from the pulpit...and the first mates are resisting everything the capitan does -- whether it helps the people or not. They don't care...they just want one of their mates to be captain at all costs.

    That's the situation...we're sinking...and up in the Captains quarters..there's all this in fighting.

    We need to take some time out.... and fix our ship...quit worrying about other ships...and just minimally make sure there are no pirate ships on the horizons or no loco capitans.

    And I"ll stop there. WE have to shore up our own mess... take some time for paying off our debts and rebuilding our country.

    Hasta luego...

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