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    Re: Closing Worthen School? Archived Message

    Posted by Hard Core on December 24, 2015, 7:48 am, in reply to "Re: Closing Worthen School?"

    Wait a second pal, I think you got a little off course here.

    ". Back in my day we didn't raise our kids to be pansies." Nor in mine. Surely you're not referring to my grand kids being raised as "pansies" haha at least I don't think my little 5 & 6 year old grand kids are.

    " We taught them to accept rules and obey them." Well yeah Pal, I taught my kids that and they passed that down to theirs too...so what do you want, a cookie?

    "We taught them if they were born a boy they couldn't use the girl's restroom while wearing a dress."

    Okay? I agree with this wholeheartedly and so, where does this fit in with my comment about all this restructuring above?

    Now, here is where your comment really gets interesting..." I knew my kids would move from grade school to junior high to high school college and they would have to learn how to adapt."

    Then why would you be so shocked that we only want the same for our kids and grand kids? We are fully aware that there are grade schools, then middle schools, and then high schools and lastly college. What we did not figure on was, our kids being bused completely out of the neighborhood they live in, to be bused across town to attend a school for a year or two and then the next year to be bused across town in another direction and part of town to attend an entirely different school for a another year or two.

    We all know/knew we would be dealing with grade school and middle school and high school and college not all being under one roof or all in the same building, give us a little more credit than that.

    This is NOT a bunch of "pansies" not wanting to follow the rules! This is a bunch of over spending, spoiled administrators not staying within their budget that have created this mess that the children of this district are expected to pay the tab for through this ridiculous never ending game of musical chairs...only in this case musical school buildings, attending a couple years here and a couple years there, here a year, there a year, every where a year year...NOW THAT IS WHAT IS RIDICULOUS! This building starts at this time and that building starts at that time.

    This situation, or so called solution is something to truly shake your head in disbelief over. I am down right embarrassed of this school board! They should be even more embarrassed over their so called answer to this problem.

    "Your children on the other hand have probably been raised to be defiant, to not accept structure" If your idea of "defiant" is to be a mindless drone and to not ask questions and just to simply do as you are told, yeah, I guess we are all a little defiant. I have also taught them to never let someone piss down their legs and tell them it's just raining outside as well.

    Lastly, if the solution of the "Musical School Buildings" & start times, that the board is going to be voting on, is the solution you seem to be backing is your idea of the "structure", well sir, I find that more ridiculous than you referring to my grown children as "wussies".

    Now, how about you find that print button and print you off a copy of this topic and take into Bindy's with you on your next get together, you can all raise your glasses to it and get a good laugh as you all try to brainstorm and figure out a way to not look so ignorant at the next meeting.

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