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    Re: United Airline. Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on April 12, 2017, 2:40 pm, in reply to "Re: United Airline."

    It sounds like more is coming out. First and foremost is that every airline has a provision that they can bump you off of a flight to make room for one of their flight crews that is needed in another city. It's not a United rule, it's an FAA rule.

    I think the airline could have made themselves look better had they upped the bribe to get him off the plane.

    Of course once the airport police take over, it's out of the hands of United. He resisted a police order and under rules in place since 911, they can drag your ass off the plane if they feel you are being resistant. Sucks in some ways but makes sense as well.

    Apparently the crew that bumped these folks had to go to another city that to sub for a flight crew who wasn't on the job. Cancelling an entire flight based on the inconvenience of a couple of passengers is the rationale. Like it or not, it's the way they set it up.

    This gentleman will have no real case against United based on the disclaimer on the ticket. He may have an excessive force claim against the PD but it's questionable.

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