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    Re: 49 states? Archived Message

    Posted by invictus on July 13, 2015, 4:02 pm, in reply to "Re: 49 states?"

    Sure. Let Texas secede. At that point, stop giving Texas any federal funding for anything. Stop providing federal funds for highway repair, repair of bridges, air traffic control, etc. Stop all social security retirement and disability payments to Texas residents, stop payment of Medicare benefits to Texas residents, stop providing Coast Guard service to Texas shorelines, stop providing federal disaster relief when hurricanes strike, stop all federal food inspectors in Texas, and stop all federal assistance in any form. Let Texas residents fend for themselves in all ways with no federal assistance and we'll see how happy they would be. Texas can then build its own wall twenty feet high at its border with Mexico without any federal assistance. If the residents are okay with all that, then let them secede.

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