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    Re: Death of a Loved One Archived Message

    Posted by chellebelle on December 1, 2010, 9:17 am, in reply to "Re: Death of a Loved One"

    My mother passed when I was 17. It was rough. Still is and it's been 24 years. That first Thanksgiving, my brother and I bought whole lobsters and steamed them up. He got a gift card from work. It was something way out of the norm and we just knew Mom was laughing at us.

    Great suggestions here. I have always found that making new traditions and keeping some of the old really help. We only did lobsters that one time cause they're so expensive!

    My sympathies to you Athena. I'm with Opi and the others ... I believe that our loved ones are with us every step of the way. I felt my mom at my wedding, the birth of my children and other life changing events. Sending thoughts and prayers of strength and comfort your way for this Christmas and and the ones to come.

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