on November 28, 2017, 4:32 pm, in reply to "VW Golf 1.6 TDi DPF regen query. Fault code 16848"
go into adapations or basic settings (i can not rember which one with out VCDS connected to the car)
and tell it that you have a new dpf its some thing like clear dpf counter- adaption ?? AND SET SOOT TO 0.00
this should get you out of limp once the DTC's are cleared.
run the engine for a minuite or 2 and then go back into a adaptions and dpf counter/ adaptiation and manualy change the soot counter to 27 g and save it.
you should be able to force regen the car as you have previously tried but you will need to drive it on a dual carrage way at a fairly constant speed for 10 miles or so untill the DPF light goes out ( the DPF LIGHT will come on if you are successful in initiateing a regen and it will go out when the car is happy)
if like me a dual carrage way is 20 mins drive from your site, wait untill you are 1/2 mile from the dual carrage way before starting the process.
( When I go into that channel 2B, it displays stored and new data as 00 00. I'm not sure if I'm entering the new data correctly, but it accepts 01 00 and displays this in stored data as 00 01. I'm not sure if this correct? )
Message Thread VW Golf 1.6 TDi 2011 - DPF regen query, code 16848 (P2458) DPF regeneration duration - Fixed # - Peter Holland November 28, 2017, 12:38 pm
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