--Previous Message--
: LoL is pretty fun, similar to me as SC though
: in that it would be alot more fun with
: friends. I got a char to like level 25, max
: level I think is 30? I did start a bunch of
: new accounts, just because you can gain
: points to purchase heroes and stuff faster
: on a new account, and I am too cheap to
: spend any $$$. I am in the Dota2 beta, the
: game is quite a bit more complicated than
: LoL, the heroes have some intense skills. I
: think LoL is better than Dota2 though,
: because Dota2 has what is called "hard
: counters", like if you pick one hero,
: another hero may kill that hero every time,
: no matter how you build the character. That
: is unlike LoL, where any well played hero
: can kill any other hero. It will be more
: about team composition, but at high levels
: of LoL I imagine it's the same thing. Since
: all the low levels of LoL though are not
: people picking balanced teams, I don't know
: if Dota2 is going to have the same draw.
: You can't just pick up a character and go
: play it, because maybe it makes the team
: crappy and you will instalose. I would play
: LoL again if more people were going to.
: --Previous Message--
: i think i've touched sc2 less than 5 times
: since i left korea.. which is disappointing
: because my laptop ran it like shit and i
: built a badass pc once i left korea... also
: i bought like 6 copies of what i believe to
: be the full version of sc2. i'm just not
: sure cause i bought them in a little
: convenience store right off post and they
: were like $15 total maybe.. but everything
: is cheap out there.. i bought them as
: souveniors to give away and i still have all
: of them :/ i haven't looked at any of the
: previews of the zerg xpac.. i'm too pissed i
: believe my bnet account was hijacked so i
: don't know wtf to do about that.
: and lol is free to play by the way.. just dl
: it, best free game ever. you get points
: when you play games. each week they have
: around 10 champions that you can 'play for
: free' but with your points you can 'buy'
: champions to be able to play them all the
: time. they make tons of money though cause
: you can buy points with real monies and just
: get champions and skins that way.. which
: i've done cause lollipoppy is the greatest
: skin ever... light played lol for a bit,
: he's on my friends list but i've never
: actually seen him online. just give it a
: shot!
: --Previous Message--
: ya, maybe. ha... i thought LOL was DOTA.
: jesus; those are two completely different
: games?
: Real bored of sc2. Still fun to play with
: the roommate/light/ann now and then. But,
: hell, if i don't get HOTS beta and those
: punks do i will definitely be out of the
: loop for a good 6 months. Maybe then LoL...
: Dang, need that beta. Even though T looks
: like junk. Ten second delay on those mines
: is ridiculous.
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