The chairs generally were offered for sale to the persons who had occupied them. This went quite some way to recouping expenditure. The same is true of the nave carpet, which now adorns many a church around the Commonwealth. The fabric used to face the galleries etc was also sold off. I once saw a piece from 1937 made up into an altar frontal at St Margaret's, Westminster.
As for the chairs occupied by The Queen, the Chair of Estate on the South side of the Theatre is now in the Throne Room at Buckingham Palace. A matching one, embroidered with a 'P', was made up and sits next to it (although, of course, Prince Philip didn't use this at the Coronation). And the Throne-Chair on the dais is now in the Garter Throne Room at Windsor Castle. So, what could be re-cycled, re-used and re-invented was!
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