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    Attracting educators - please advise, RB Archived Message

    Posted by Palin 2020 on January 27, 2020, 5:00 pm, in reply to "Lead levels affecting schools"

    It’s obvious you want to eliminate the teachers union.

    You’ve stated that you want to turn over the staff because “they can’t hack it” or words to that effect.

    Alright, I’ll wave my wand for the purposes of the exercise: there’s no more union, the district has to hire all new, or at least different teachers.

    How do you go about recruiting teachers at a lower-rate of pay?

    What benefits do you offer that equal out or supersede the pay gap?

    Considering these cut-rate educators will likely be at the beginning of their careers, what professional development opportunities are they afforded to grow as educators?

    What assurances do you have that these educators will even deliver the same results as the district currently does?

    How will you retain these teachers when they gain a tiny bit of experience and neighboring districts offer higher wages and better benefits?

    What is your estimated timeframe by which these educators are to deliver “acceptable” test scores on the IL Report Card?

    What actions will be taken if those standards are not met?

    If your new district quickly earns a reputation for not backing educators, offering a competitive benefits package and has a turnover rate higher than any school in Madison county, how do you keep feeding the funnel with new teaching prospects?

    Thanks and I look forward to reading your answers.

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