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    Free Stuff? Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on April 25, 2019, 2:45 pm

    You know, I love hearing these left wing socialists spew their rhetoric about "free college", "free healthcare", etc...

    NOTHING is free. We all pay for things that others use. It's understood that we will all use streets. We will all need protection by a strong military.

    However, most of us pay our own way when it comes to our PERSONAL BENEFITS AND NEEDS. My wife and I decided at an early point in our marriage that we would skimp, sacrifice and save, to provide our kids with an opportunity to go to college. It wasn't easy but we felt it was the best gift we could ever give them. I didn't look to others to help us. My kids both earned scholarships that helped the cause. THEY earned those scholarships. Now, the left wants me to make those same sacrifices to send someone else's kids to school? Sorry, not my problem. Work, scrimp, sacrifice and save.

    Now you get one of the candidates wanting to go back in time and forgive student debt. Seriously? Do you know why college tuitions skyrocketed? It's because pie in the sky dems guaranteed bank loans decades ago in an effort to allow more kids to go to college. The problem with that? The schools drove up tuition. Hey Liz Warren, you made $400,000 as a college professor. Maybe that drove these costs up that you're now wanting to forgive.

    Healthcare is expensive. Put government in control of it and it will be the same mess that social security and veteran's care is in. They can't manage anything. Once the private industry is destroyed, cost will continue to rise while quality continues to go down. Don't trust me? Go to a veteran's hospital and talk to a patient or a family member of a patient.

    Offering free stuff, letting sixteen year olds and felons vote are nothing more than a ploy to entice the laziest generation in the history of this nation to vote democratic.

    Nothing is free kids. You'll learn the hard way. If you come out of college with a four year degree and owe over $100,000 in student loans, pay them off yourself over ten years. If this "free for all" goes down, you'll pay an increased tax for the rest of your life. Guarantee it will cost you much more than the $100,000 payback did.

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