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    Re: non-voting complainers Archived Message

    Posted by MrSmith on December 5, 2017, 6:24 pm, in reply to "Re: non-voting complainers"

    "IMO 80% of these county level politicians on down are crooked as hell, and over site is a joke. They do what they damn well please. Nameoki Township is far from the only place that underhanded B.S. is the norm."

    They may continue to get away with the "underhanded B.S.", but that won't shut people's opinions down or stifle whispers behind their backs.

    They get to remain at their jobs only because of broken campaign promises. But people don't forget so easily. There isn't a crowded room that some can enter where people aren't pointing and looking and story telling. Especially stories of a certain somebody well past her prime that just can't seem to manage to keep her mouth in check and her hands to herself.

    One of these days the township could possibly find themselves smack in the middle of one of these now so common "inappropriate behavior" in the workplace stories.

    If a worker has the balls to whine about the dangers while being forced to remove trash along a highway, and entertain the idea of a possible lawsuit, what's preventing others from trying to cash in? In today's climate, or witch hunt, how ever you want to look at it, this "inappropriate behavior" in the workplace opportunity just may be low hanging fruit for a few male employees.


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