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    Re: Oh Noooooo! Archived Message

    Posted by Hard Core on April 15, 2015, 9:11 pm, in reply to "Re: Oh Noooooo!"

    "I seriously doubt you will see Mr. Greenwald or anyone else in the district taking a pay CUT. Their salaries will undoubtedly be frozen for at least a year or two. If you think they'll take a voluntary cut in the face of that you are either delusional or they are very good hearted people."

    Oh please, no I'm not delusional, I absolutely do not think they will throw their hands in the air for a "voluntary" pay cut. What I do think is, go ahead and increase those class sizes. Do it up right though, none of this 30 kids to a class non-sense, let's go for a good round number like 40! Then let's re-evaluate the number of teachers needed with this new arrangement and sling a few of those jobs up on the chopping block.

    Then let us take a good look at the district office. That's another great place to trim some fat. Why does anyone and everyone feel they are entitled to a personal secretary? Another huge waste of taxpayer's money. Double or triple up and actually share the duties and here's another absurd idea, how about some of those department heads actually answer their own phone line once in a while.

    Why is it, in any other job sector does the public expect and accept the economy to have an impact on salaries and benefits, but our school district REFUSES to accept or allow their salaries and benefits and perks to be touched and are outraged over the thought of even the possibility of it? These people are sitting in a controlled climate on their ASSES in an office!

    They are not risking injury or their lives, or curing disease! They need a big freaking slap of reality to get their egos in check! Get their feet back on the ground right along side the rest of us working people.

    Let's take another look at that "cut" list. Number one on that list should be sports, mainly because I'm sick of hearing the repeated empty threats about it. So go head already and do it. Pull the plug! Let the parents foot 100% of the bill if they want their kid in a sports program.

    No sports means no coaches, where oh where will this town's future Principal's and Superintendents come from?

    "Unfortunately 420 more people felt the schools didn't deserve the help."

    Now that statement is rich! No, you are wasting your time with that one, still guilt free here, sorry. But that is a great way to word it to try to make people feel guilty and sorry for those "poor ole kids", I know, I know the ole "this is for the children" trick.

    When are you ever going to realize that the outcome of this vote had NOTHING to do with the children or the schools? The outcome of this vote has EVERYTHING to do with all I mentioned above. You and everyone you are connected with can point fingers at the voting public all day long and it will not change the fact that the district and it's refusal (as you mentioned above) to give an inch in reducing these bloated salaries and benefits tells the public...well not really, it screams in the public's face we are entitled to these salaries and all the perks that come along with it and we expect you to give us MORE money so we can keep these salaries and the life styles they afford us!

    You, you, you give us more money and we will not give up a thing. Well pal, how did that attitude work out for you in this election? People are sick to death of the feeling of entitlement from the district employees. Cuts are acceptable for the students and schools but not the district employees? Yeah, okay.

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