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    In light of the recent bullying mess at Coolidge... Archived Message

    Posted by whatusay on November 8, 2013, 7:41 pm

    do you feel confident that school principals take it seriously enough?

    I have seen administrators and teachers go postal on a kid for bullying another child. This was back in the days when an administrator could handle it the way it needed to be handled, without threats of lawsuits from the offending bully's ignorant parents who ALWAYS claimed their kid wouldn't do such a thing.

    I have seen the high school resource officer call in students along with their families over internet bullying done out of school and took care of it on the spot. The officer was a hard ass and tolerated none of this bullying bull crap either on or off campus. (Several years ago).

    I have seen teachers and parents with the "just buck up, kids will be kids" attitude, which makes my blood boil.

    I'll tell you what, if I had a child or grandchild that was being bullied at school, and I could get no where with the knuckle dragging parents who most likely taught these little animals by example, I would be going to the teacher and the principal, with my concerns typed into a document, and insist we have a little jaw jacking about the situation. At the end, I would insist that we all sign off on the documentation.
    Then we would all be clear on how this was going to be handled. And I would forward copies to the superintendent.

    I would also screen shoot and copy every single incident of on-line bullying that anyone was directing at my kid and include it in my documentation.

    To say the least, I'd be prepared.

    And the final preparation would be arming my child with self defense and attack skills on the outside chance they would have to have a true, physical confrontation with some little ass wipe who just doesn't get it, and whose parents just don't get it either.

    I'd be prepared for my child to be expelled or suspended for the allotted amount of punishment time.

    I would NEVER teach my child to start trouble, but by God, I have taught them to put an end to it, peacefully if possible.

    If not, then it's no holds barred.

    But by keeping notes, dates, times, conversations and with who...it would be a little hard for either the parents of the little neanderthal doing the bullying or the school administration to deny what is happening.

    And I'm just a vindictive enough old bxxtch, to hunt down this little girl who is picking on the other over her hair loss disease, knocking off her scarves, telling her to kill herself, that I do believe I'd stick back my bail money, lay in wait with a number two pair of electric clippers and the fun would begin, with the help of a few friends.

    Yeah, I'd be the neanderthal in the end.

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