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    Re: powerful speech: Archived Message

    Posted by metal on November 8, 2013, 5:03 pm, in reply to "Re: powerful speech:"

    After reading just one article it seems to be the age old problem that has plagued our people for the last 200 years. Corruption from within with the help of "our Great White Father". Look up the second Battle of Wounded Knee it is the same situation, only back the it was Nixon and they wanted uranium. I was only 13 at the time, but my brother Duane went and fought and held off the US Army, The FBI and the corrupt tribal goons for 72 days. In the end they lost and some very good people are still in prison today as a result. But the people of the tribe reelected the same corrupt tribal government in the next election. The enemy is the Federal Government and the corrupt puppets that they support so that they can pay back their big money donors. It might interest you to know that one of the biggest winners in this deal was Warren Buffett and guess who he threw major support to in the last two elections. I'll give you a hint: if the Keystone pipe line was to go forward he would not make a dime. Welcome to third world political realities.

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