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    Urgent Plea - Per Randy Grim of St. Louis Stray Rescue Archived Message

    Posted by Wyld_Roze on May 16, 2011, 9:01 pm

    Stray rescue will be at the St. Louis city hall hearing tomorrow at 9am regarding whether or not we receive independent funds from the city water bill. We've performed the duty of city animal control at no cost to the city and have spent over $1,000,000. At this rate we will go broke and will have to limit what we can do for the city. APA director Steve Kaufmann will be there to speak out against us getting the funding. He has always threatened to bring down Stray Rescue. This is typical of what we have always had to put up with. We're in it for the dogs nothing else. Don't let the county interfere with the city unless we want to go back to killing companion animals by the droves. If you can, please come to city hall on the second floor tomorrow at 9 am., let your voice be heard - flash mob style! Stray Rescue has drastically decreased the number of dogs that are roaming the streets and decreased euthanasia by 90%. Please respond to this post if you plan on coming and spread the word. I need you now more than ever or else we will be taking a big step backwards and many animals will die if Kaufmann has his way - Randy

    This is very last minute, Randy only found out a few hours ago, which will drastically effect how many people will hear about this or be able to come. It doesn't matter where you live, and you don't have to say anything, just show up and show your support. This is VERY important. Stray Rescue, for those of you who don't know, is a fantastic organization. They really care about the animals, no expense is too great to help the injured. They have rent-a-pet programs so that people can tell whether the animal will be a good fit in their home; Seniors for Seniors, a program to help Seniors afford an older dog; a program that pays all medical, food, toys, etc for anybody who wants to keep their dogs, but is facing financial hardship, and the list goes on. They care about the people that volunteer too, pizza parties, Jimmy Johns nights, drawing for prizes that have been donated, etc.

    This is an exceptional shelter, please come support it. If you can't, please cross post this on FB and emails. Don't let greed and politics cost animals their lives.

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