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    Re: Funny Letters Archived Message

    Posted by Dr. Ray Langston on May 9, 2011, 7:14 pm, in reply to "Funny Letters"

    I could come up with a few of my own.

    Dear Illinois voters:
    Please stop electing people to statewide office, one more politican here, and we will have to start a new cellblock.
    --Federal prison warden

    Dear God,
    I think there's been a mix up, paradise isn't what I expected, the 72 virigins are all 35 year old male gamers, and it's way too hot here, can you help?
    --Osama Bin Laden

    Dear MoDOT,
    If the engineer that designed the On/Off ramps from the Poplar Street bridge on your side of the river is still alive, can you slap him for me?
    -- frustrated Illinois driver (still stuck in trafiic).

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