After seeing the service yesterday I think it should be left more or less as it is. The C of E have the right to do their thing their way.
My suggestions now are -
On Accession, have a public event - in London - for the Declaration and Proclamation. The Proclamation would be repeated in many cities as done in the past.
For Scotland after separation, perhaps a similar event would be held in Edinburgh. I really do not know the case well enough to comment beyond that.
At six months, say, hold a huge event like the opening of the Olympic Games which would be a gigantic secular celebration.
Major cities of the world can take part by links these days, with people celebrating together all over the world (if they wish).
The event would span, say, 12 to 18 hours ending with fireworks everywhere. Something similar to what was done for the new millenium.
The C of E could later hold a coronation service in the Abbey.
All other Christian denominations and other faiths could hold Thanksgiving Services, or similar, whenever and wherever suited each one.
I just note here that the Regalia belong with the coronation in the Abbey, in my view.
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