There are 16 trumpets datable to 1780-1846.
There are ten banners, of 1838, with twentieth century alterations. Some banners show evidence of VR.
From The Crown Jewels 1998 -
“ The 16 trumpets in the Jewel House represent, by chance, the original establishment for the Royal Household from the reign of Henry VIII until the mid-nineteenth century. Those now surviving, of which 11 are normally on view in the Jewel House, fall into two groups. Eight bear inscriptions indicating their original use by the 1st Regiment Life Guards, while the remaining eight were made for the Royal Household, of which six bear the name of the trumpeter to whom they were first issued, while two have no inscription. “
“ The trumpets in the Jewel House have not been used since the disbanding of the Corps of State Trumpeters by the Duke of Wellington as an economy measure in the mid-nineteenth century. “
From a 2002 edition of The Crown Jewels Official Guidebook -
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