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    Re: Mayor Pete Archived Message

    Posted by Wally Bunker on April 16, 2019, 12:53 pm, in reply to "Mayor Pete"

    Mayor Pete, wow. So the guy is fractionally to the right on a couple issues from the looniest loon the Democrats run makes him mainstream? Crazy Bernie has crusty ideas that wont work, but this guy is somehow the guy. Whats wrong with Precinct Committeeman Ralph? When they debate, without a visual you wouldnt be able to tell them apart by the words they will use. Climate change will kill us all, Trump bad, free this free that, Climate Change, Trump bad, more free sh**, more Trump bad, climate change, thank you for coming.
    Was Hitleries 33,000 deleted emails a conspiracy? Did the Obama administration sy on Trump, Did they create a sham dossier and did Hitlery pay for it? Yes , yes , yes. Mueller knew the whole thing was BS but went through with it after all.
    Worker will be just fine in Indiana. Indiana doesnt have Dick "Turbin" Durbin, Mayor Rahm, or Mike Madigan. Ill even mention J.B. even thoigh hes just an over sized monkey that does as he is told.
    Go ahead and vote for Weld and call yourself a Repybican. I once supported Jessie Jackson when he ran for president, so i guess im a Democrat. I just threw up a little bit in my mouth and i eligible for some kind of entitlement for that???
    I will admit a little tiny bit that a President Pete would be fun to kick around for four years. Has anyone seen the first man yet if that scenario should become a reality? Of course trashing Petey wouldnt be racist, and maybe not sexist, but it would be homophobic of course.

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