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    Letter to Mayor Pagano Archived Message

    Posted by ABFman on June 7, 2018, 2:32 am

    Mr. Mayor, the citizens of Granite City have been talking about the positive changes and progress taking place in Pontoon Beach. We are watching all these changes taking place through envious eyes. While we congratulate you and recognize the hard work being done by you and your administration, we can't help but being a little jealous, and very fed up with the lack of progress and positive changes in our city.

    Many of us will never understand our Mayor being content to watch our surrounding communities and neighbors bringing in new businesses and promoting growth and opportunity, while he does nothing for the betterment of Granite City.

    The fact alone, that our Mayor insists on employing a church pastor, with zero experience in economic development, has many of us questioning his motives. He has allowed the city's E.D. years at this job, with little, if any development what so ever. The outcome of this decision is painfully obvious, as our city sits idle, and more businesses shut their doors and close up shop.

    The people of Granite are calling for a clean sweep, and wanting all new blood on every board. Recently Matt Jones has talked about running for Mayor. While the majority of us do agree big changes are needed, many of us do not believe Mr. Jones is the answer since he serves on the school board. With the school district's failing scores, and budget struggles, we question if he truly knows what's best for our city. Don't get me wrong, we may be better off with Donald Duck, than the lame duck we have now, but trading a member of one failing taxing body, to govern another taxing body, just doesn't seem like progress.

    What does it say about an administration and how the city is being ran when a neighboring village one third it's size is developing and growing and moving forward, accomplishing the things Granite City can only dream of.

    Progress happens when you have vision, desire and drive and a great team. Mayor Pagano, you are proof of that. We want a Mayor that is not afraid to get into the trenches. A Mayor that does not hide from the people he leads, and makes himself available for questions, and that is eager to be part of the solution.

    For years we have heard talk about a possible annex between Pontoon Beach and Granite City. Mayor Pagano, what we would like to know is, is it possible to annex all or part of Granite City into your jurisdiction?

    We would be proud to call you our Mayor.

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