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    Re: Helen Hawkins Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on May 17, 2017, 3:27 pm, in reply to "Helen Hawkins"

    Yep, getting your picture with Costello makes you a drainage expert. I once had my picture taken with a pilot from TWA. Anyone want to go fro a flight with me?

    I can appreciate that Helen has been a loud voice for flooding issues. However, we've seen what political appointees can do about flooding and she will be no different.

    The flooding in Granite and Pontoon are caused by additional water coming down from the hill and a refusal by MESD to pump water at a faster rate into Horseshoe Lake.

    Why does anyone think Helen will be able to fix that? She can't. She's being appointed to the board for the same reason the three who just left were. Political favors. Can't we just be honest?

    I also doubt that it's legal for her to remain on the county board while sitting on the MESD board but we shall see.

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