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    The need for healing Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on November 16, 2016, 9:44 am, in reply to "OH OH"

    Trump is not my president --- said those snot nosed millenials who pissed off ---

    The tea party 'patriots' who said Obama is not my President who were pissed off at the Commie liberals who said

    Bush is not my president who were upset that

    Bill Clinton had sex with that woman....

    and we can go back in time.

    Every call for peace and calm often comes with its own barbs.

    Let us all come together now - unlike those snot-nosed millennials protesting in the streets - who had everything handed to them and didn't know what it was like to get their ass beat.....

    See what I mean? Even in kindness, there is a barb toward another.

    My partisan response would be --- you mean a call for peace from the same ignoramuses who de-legitimized Obama for 8 years, obstructed his every move, and couldn't even have the decency to give him that he was an American. Now they're the ones calling the protestors snot nosed brats?

    This is a cycle of bullshit that will not end.

    True healing quite frankly will involve a process that will never work in America on a large scale. Those running for office are too hungry for power and would not humble themselves.

    The people that influence the weak minded - get paid to do what they do and will not feign the opportunity to put bread on their table next to the finest foods paired with the finest bottle of wine.

    There is only one recourse we have --- and this is the same recourse people used in voting for Trump.

    People felt their only recourse was to punt away prudence, punt away what is safe -- and go with Trump.....because what is safe and what is established meant a higher burden for them that never went away.

    Liberal Elitism is a disease - but I don't believe the ideals of liberalism are. Prudent conservativism also has its merits, but theocratic wackiness has no place here.

    There are flaws in liberal elites and wacky theocrats that constantly get exposed - and hopefully someone emerges that rises above it -- or knows how to better exploit it.

    But if we want true peace -- we cannot get to it unless we ourselves - the voting public demand a higher standard of our politicians.

    The people in charge of the media, and even the 'alternative blame the media' media --- and the politicians only do what they do --- because it works for me and for you.

    In our discourse - we have to be willing to listen ---

    - Donald Trump won primarily because liberal elitism became so theorized around a utopian Chicago or New York --- let's raise the poor up and have the rich pay their fair share and all will be well.

    I kind of like that vision myself.....but it left out a plurality of the working class....who felt trapped paying the bill --- because after all you can't have those richies paying their fair share...

    I don't like that the working masses became more enraged at the people at the bottom, because that plays into the richies' hands and thats what richie wants.

    Still the working class pays the burden of conservativism and liberal elitism and will keep switching hoping someone will listen.

    BUT Trump didn't win by much, if he won the popular vote at all. The Electoral Landslide is Deceiving.....

    I hope Trump is humble, even with the support of his house and senate --- and that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is ready to get a second wind.

    But there is a narrative that needs to be heard as well of those who are protesting -- they are not snot nosed millennials -- but people who fear Trump's campaign rhetoric...

    A third grader goes to school, scared to death dad won't be there when class is over --- and classmates taunting him or her "Wait till Trump takes office".

    Trump has emboldened racist expression and even legitimized it.

    So the point I am making (since I have to wrap it up and get to other things) ----

    Is that if we want unity - we have to be willing to bring it ourselves. The politicians aren't going to do it -- and I doubt Trump has the moral credibility to ever be trusted by more than half the populace at any given time. He did that to himself.

    But We can do it.

    We hear so much about people touting their faith....

    Little do they know that the opposite of faith is not unbelief --- the opposite of faith is fear.

    It's ironic that the people who tout their faith are some of the most fearful individuals out there.

    Faith is not so much belief as it is trust.

    So we have to have faith in one another.

    We have to have faith in our neighbor and faith that the person who disagrees with us still has the best interests of this country at heart.

    We have to negotiate in good faith (again with good trust) that our compromise will be beneficial.

    This is hard -- many want faith in Trump, but have went out of their way to show no faith whatsoever in Obama.

    They came to tout their Church faith -- while given the hypocritical witness of fear.

    This is why Evangelical Zealots will always be hypocrites - because they tout FAITH and give witness to FEAR. May God save them from their false witness that they bear.

    This is why liberal elites will always be hypocrites as well....first of all instead of touting faith, they kind of ignore it which is also bad.....but they do not have faith in ideas different than their own. They roll their eyes and sneer at someone who is not on board, often calling them uneducated or even deplorable. Their lack of faith also showed through, to the point where traditionally democratic voters visibly showed they no longer have faith in them.

    We have to get out of the narratives and talking points that we take with us from Breitbart, Hannity, Huffington Post, Raw Story and so many others.

    All we're doing is accentuating that we have no faith - only fear. We continue to put people down and insult people --- out of fear ourselves, we want to instill fear in others.

    Whenever this cycle can end, we will get somewhere. It's doubtful it can ever come to fruition --- but maybe we can individually have faith in one another. We can listen to the other side and be slow to be defensive - and try to form a place of trust - and embrace compromise not as weakness -- but a way of benefitting the most people with the best of each set of conflicting ideas.

    That's all for now -- but with a lot of back and forth -- I hope I made a point and it makes a little sense. I didn't have time to organize ideas like I would have liked.

    Message Thread:

    • OH OH - Opie2 November 8, 2016, 9:41 pm