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    Change of vote Archived Message

    Posted by GCAI on April 6, 2015, 9:55 pm

    I made my decision when I heard that the school is wants to raise taxes. I voted yes cause I care about the kids of this town. I have a young cousin in school & a special needs cousin. I voting Yes & will not change it. Now after reading the messages on here you guys made me change my vote. I am sorry & I will tell Mr. Greenwald(who I look up too & was 1 of my favorite teachers in Coolige)I am voting no cause the board members need to take a pay cut, also lets get rid of the unions like for the janitors & office secretary's lets get rid of them & when the teacher contract is up if anyone who wants to run with me for board & we are there we need to tell the union rep we run things here not you.

    I say let's stand together & fight our school board & let's tell our new Governor we want money to our schools.

    So I want everyone to know my vote is now No on the tax & I want to say thank you on the people who help me change my vote.

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