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    Re: poetic falsity and podo Archived Message

    Posted by podo on October 7, 2014, 10:10 pm, in reply to "Re: poetic falsity and podo"

    Horsey, that's what I don't understand. In how many other jobs can a man hire his wife, on the payroll, just to protect himself? If I remember right, wasn't their platform about getting rid of the good ole boys club and nepotism etc. etc. etc.?

    To be honest, I only got involved because when all this started, she would come on here and defend so hard. It kinda reminded me of what I think was Hamlet. "Methinks the lady protests too much" (or something like that) so I looked it up.

    I don't know what kind of job she is doing or how she is protecting her husband while he is at his real job(which doesn't seem like a great use of taxpayers money to be honest with you). I just asked if when she said she would only be at the job for 3 weeks and now 1 1/2 years later she has a job which she said is what she always wanted, is it the same job. Her answer was I don't need the money, I used to be a nurse, the job isn't permanent and we tried to hire a laborer.

    I am assuming the job is the same since there was no denying it. To me, that is just what is long with politics. People go in, maybe with truly honest intentions, then justify their actions when they are exactly what they complained about before getting there.

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