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    poetic falsity and podo Archived Message

    Posted by Bluangel on October 7, 2014, 5:40 pm

    PT - Did your little malicious muck make you feel good .. making horrible mockery of an 80 year old woman, a matriarch? I wonder how her family would feel if they read it? Don't you feel any remorse or embarrassment for that nasty, disgusting spew of yours? Did you snicker with a friend while you watched him read it? You are not worth the powder it would take to blow you to hell.

    podo .. if money was a factor, I would return to nursing, so .. no, it isn't nor was it ever a factor. I am needed there, period. There are many reasons for this decision. My position has no job security that is why we did not want to fill it with a veteran. If you will look back, just as you did for these words of mine, copied and pasted, you will find that on January 19, 2014, we placed a notice, here, which read:

    Position Opening - Nameoki Twp. Road Dept.
    The Nameoki Township Road Department is taking applications for a labor and truck driving position. Applicant must possess a current CDL and be available for call out due to inclement weather condition and/or emergency service for fire/police. Transitioning Military Veterans are welcome. You may pick up applications between 9am and 11am, Mon - Fri in the road department. Exact hiring date is presently undetermined due to winter slow down. If you have any questions you may call 618-931-1290 between the hours of 8am - 4:30pm. We wanted a veteran to have a secure position with good benefits and health care.


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