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    Re: Memorial Day TY to our Vets Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on May 25, 2014, 10:12 am, in reply to "Re: Memorial Day TY to our Vets"

    Right you are MJM. I personally don't think we need to set aside a day to honor our heroes. We should do it every day of the year.

    What's wrong with a country when returning veterans have to fight the government run V.A. to receive proper medical care with a level of respect?

    What the hell is wrong with a country when school districts palm Veteran's day off for a chance at another three day weekend for their employees? Ask a vet when they had a three day weekend while deployed.

    What's wrong with a country who allows vermin to protest the funeral of a fallen vet?

    Let's show our children and grandchildren why we must appreciate the actions of our military men and women. Teach them no matter what their opinion of war and aggression is NOT to disrespect the soldiers as individuals. They do what they are told and many times what they volunteer to do. Don't hate the player. Hate the game.

    God bless the American soldier who stands a watch and keeps us safe. And for all others who we take time to think about this weekend, our family members and friends who have one before us we say rest in peace and we miss you.

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