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    Re: This Week-End Archived Message

    Posted by GLW on May 11, 2014, 10:15 am, in reply to "Re: This Week-End"

    I am back...glad that ordeal is over!!!

    We did do very well financially...sold all of the big items except the gas stove in the kitchen...and that surprised me because I paid $500 for the stove at Kindell's two years ago and was only asking $200 for the stove...but, the help was not good!!!

    I like to have everything ready to sell at the appointed sale time to where...when the first customer walks onto the property, everyone is free to assist if needed. That mis-que started the day off Friday...we were only half ready at 7:00 AM. I only advertised on a couple of discussion boards, so traffic was lite...and this mis-que did not hurt us.

    I made signs for the second day...and placed them around at key spots. When I got back to the sale, I found out the help would arrive when they "awoke and got out of bed"....not good, but again, we survived...enough said about that!!!!

    Glad that the sale is over and done...and all we have left to do is to call the Salvation Army to see if they will take what is left over.

    But again, financially...it was well worth the head-aches.


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