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    Re: trick or treat Archived Message

    Posted by whatusay on November 1, 2013, 5:10 pm, in reply to "trick or treat"

    We had more than I expected to have with the weather being so bad, probably about seventy five.

    And we also had several adults, in full costume, trick or treating at our door. Seemed strange, but what the heck, just gave them some treats too.

    What blows me away is the amount of houses on our street that were in complete blackout and not giving out candy.

    But neighborhoods have their own seasons. When we moved here, we were a young family with several children, as were many other families, and there was a smattering of older retired people.

    Now, ha ha, we are the older retired people! There are still many families with children, and several with grandchildren like us, but the atmosphere of our street has changed, and we no longer get the herds of kids like in years past.

    I kind of miss that. But we still managed to give away about a dozen bags of candy.

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