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    The meeting with the protesters (update) Archived Message

    Posted by Dr. Ray Langston on August 6, 2011, 3:52 pm, in reply to "Protesters on Madison Avenue"

    Beware! This account is somewhat lengthy, and a lot of controversial topics discussed here, including abortion, religion, and homosexuality.

    Read at your own risk

    The group I intended to meet with that was on Madison Avenue was gone, they were about 50-60 strong, and all in red shirts. I was informed that they come from the Marion area, and like to come early, leave early.

    I went to look for them, thought maybe they moved to the clinic proper, so I went to look for them, but found a different group instead.

    I went to approach some of them, most were young, about 15-18 years old, most were wearing the "LIFE" tape over their mouths, I've always been told it's not only symbolic, meaning to represent the unborn who can't speak for themselves, but also practical, to show that they aren't there to shout at or heckle anyone.

    Well, the teens, referred me to 3 adults that were there, I was very formal about it, and let them know that I had some common ground with them, abortion is rather repulsive to me too, although I don't feel it should be outlawed, and there are limited circumstances where it is actually necessary, (ie, life of the mother at risk). I let them know my concerns that it would be more effective if they were there with reps from pregnancy centers, and/or adoption groups that could help.

    It turns out they were from a popular southwest Illinois Protestant church (I won't name the group), that is somewhat center-right. One of the youth leaders, who was more of a layperson minister, heard me out, and explained that they have in fact done so in the past, but many of the women coming in would not even look their way, even though the representatives from the local charity groups were there (their intentions were clear), and they were clearly marked, he said he felt that many of them had minds made up before entering.

    (I don't exactly agree with that, but I'm not there on weekends, I wouldn't know 1st hand). I would think that not to be the case, in fact many of the women, especially the teen girls, probably go out of desperation, feel there's no other option....

    Anyway, I found them to be rather judgement free for the most part, and spoke for a long while with the youth leader about his religious beliefs, and where I stand. I let him know about my wondering and uncertainty if there is a god in the first place, or what form that may take. I let him know that unlike most people that would be considered agnostic (I don't like that word necessarily, but that's how most would classify my beliefs now), I wasn't out to change anyone's beliefs, I don't want others to go through what I did, doubting everything that their life revolved around, it's pure hell. If someone is happy with their beliefs, let them stay that way, I won't try to convince anyone otherwise.

    He was understanding, even when I expressed some of my issues with Christianity, even when I told him, that in all reality, the old testament law is not really all that different from Islamic sharia law. He tried to rationalize it, stating that it was a reflection of the ancient culture of the time, and stating that the old testament was to show the wrath of God, the new testament was a reflection of his mercy. It a debate that could go on forever.

    The only thing that I really couldn't really get over as polite as he was about it, the opposition to homosexuality, which I told him was a major sticking point for me about Christianity, he didn't believe like many conservative Christians, that gays are born gay. I had explained to him my feelings about sexuality, and that I think it's far more fluid that most realize, but in the end, whether born gay or not, why should it matter to me? How does it hurt anyone? Why can't they live their lives in peace? He carried on about how it is sin, etc. No common ground found there.....

    Anyway, it went a lot better than I expected, they were much better than I expected them to be, even though I don't see eye to eye with them on many things...

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