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    Re: Tonsils Archived Message

    Posted by Sandy (SIDES) Castor on May 4, 2011, 10:25 am, in reply to "Re: Tonsils"

    I suffered from tonsilitis for YEARS....mom had to squeez a lemon juice down my throat to make them shrink!!! Not fun. THEN I finally had them taken out when I was 17. In those days 100 years ago, you spent overnight in the hospital. I awoke that next moring with swelling inmy neck, they said I have the MUMPS!!!
    GEEEZZZ, so I went home and spent the week in bed. I was in my first year of Jr. College, and had to drop, missing so many casses.
    Oh well, it's always something. ha ha My son was 8 when he had his removed, and no problems.

    Sandy Sides

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