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    Re: ummm... Archived Message

    Posted by MrsC93 on January 11, 2011, 9:48 am, in reply to "Re: ummm..."

    I got a text from my hubby who was at work and he told me to be careful taking our middle-schooler to school due to the fact that his fellow co-workers who came from all over the county and other counties that stated "granite city roads were the worst"! Ok, well, I thought to myself "Hmmm he is probably just being protective and wants us to be very careful"...UMMM he was so right on! Maryville road is crazy! Heads up...if the roads are like this tomorrow.....me and the kiddos are going to stay in and play some board games and also I will sieze the opportunity for them to CLEAN their rooms! lol...All of you be safe in your travels today and please people.....let those new mommies sleep.....

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