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    Re: Update Archived Message

    Posted by KellyS on November 20, 2010, 10:47 am, in reply to "Re: Update"

    TJ's offered to do this fundraiser to support the cheerleaders. None of the cheerleaders are working at it or will be present. They only sold tickets. People can come pick up porksteak plates and do not need to buy anything else.
    This fundraiser, like all fundraisers, are approved by the administration at the high school.

    We hope to have your support at the fundraiser.

    Once again, none of the cheerleaders will be at a bar, just as when we host trivia nights the parents and coaches work and the cheerleaders are not present.

    We choose to do these fundraisers, because although the coaches and parents have to do more work, they make far more money than having the girls sell wrapping paper and cookie dough.

    Thanks again for your support of teams in your community.

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