on January 12, 2025, 10:03 pm, in reply to "If you can't take the heat, you know the rest GC administration"
This is an election year so perhaps those people should just ignore Facebook for a few months.
What is bothersome to me is the fact that the people who tried to run and got booted from contention didn’t have the smarts to fill out the forms. Can it be that hard to do?
O mean the trans lady made several errors but I hear she’s gone away quietly so was she really interested?
The other woman who was on the news made similar errors and she’s a realtor? You would think she would be very attentive to details. Where did she come from? I’ve never seen a sign of a home she’s selling.
Parkinson will be unopposed so we really have no other choice.
As for the name calling and hurt feelings? I don’t think we’ve seen the iceberg tip yet. Should be fun.
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