on January 12, 2025, 7:30 pm
One of them is tooting his own horn bragging about his street was one of the last streets to be plowed, unlike some assumptions being made on facebook that his street was probably the first. Then another one jumps in to add that the council members never request their streets being resurfaced because they don't want to subject themselves to one more critic. These people love to hate facebook, but only when it allows subjects to surface that opens them up to any criticism. Then on the flip side they absolutely love facebook to pat each other on the back or have a good ole boys tug fest to pump each other up.
The same ole names of the brown-nosing ass kissers come racing to these types of comments from these people day after day and time after time to the point they know no embarrassment. These names saying the same atta boy, good job sentiments are as predictable as the sunrise. Jane P., Christa H., Jamie S., Brandi I., Chris H., Shelly P., and a few others. But one name that you're not seeing a lot of as of late is one, well known and not for good reasons, and possibly the biggest brown-noser of them all, council woman. The ex-podcaster whose mouth and opinions turned the council upside down. Something, or more like someone sure shut her mouth and told her to lay low until the heat reduces to a simmer. But too little too late, that damage was done, and the entire council continues to pay for those sins until she either walks away or is pushed out.
Nobody is claiming that running a city is an easy job. But all of these people knew what they were signing up for when they turned in their paperwork to get on a ballot. They all can't now paint themselves as victims now. It's their job to make the hard decisions and live with the consequences or at the very least, learn from them.
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