Valuing created life is why I try to take a humanitarian stance on all issues. It's more of a core value than embracing a 'bill of goods' that is labeled right or left, no matter how you want to reduce the argument.
I am not so sure that a total ban on abortions is in the best interest of mothers or babies.
No matter what the preachers, bishops, pastors and reverends say...... it's possible to believe something immoral but recognizing what harm could be done to public health.
I'm dismayed at the stance of Kamala and the fact that Abortion is a litmus test in the DeomcratIC party.
Children in the womb are not throwaways - but the harm in forcing childbirth on people is equally and in some cases, more damaging than an abortion procedure at an early stage.
Unless my degree has any credentials that states 'expert in womens' healthcare' I am not prepared to impose my morality on the topic.
I basically consider other factors than abortion and I do question the implications of public health in places where there is no access.
Abortions have generally gone down according to statistics. Maybe it's the advent of the smart phone that saved the day, Lord knows people spend so much time on their little rectangular boxes than relate with one another. That's another issue, and while access to information is great, it is creating a sad little world that people are living in.
I used to vote on the issue of abortion at one point in time.....and against it. The hypocrisy of the Christian Right is why you're stuck with the current version of Deeistic thought that you encounter today. Somewhere in the middle of the reign of Baby Bush....a switch flipped....and in the era of Trump - Ugly America doubled down on its pursuit....of whatever it is looking for.
If you could reason with MAGA, there would be no MAGA.