If you took a million of those who arrived as non-citizens and were undocumented and another million who were already citizens, you would find the violent crime rate less than that of the citizenry.
You can throw that one case in my face and that one person needs to be dealt with severely, with whatever punishment fits the crime.
But what your mendacious president-elect likes to do is take one case and make it a rallying point. Would he rally around people who were crime victims at the hand of a US Citizen, he doesn't care about that.
He won't deport 20 million people and he won't turn military state guards out to round them up either. There is too much money to be made, and we need people to fill the work that citizens won't do.
SO my point is less on compassion, and maybe you are an Old Testament only guy and don't believe in the red letters. That's all for another day.
But for this day, you're giving into Trump's taking one case and magnifying it as a pretext for mass deportations.
Why aren't the same outcomes amongst the citizen offenders calls for change in policy?
I think the real fear is something else that's totally different than really caring for victims.
But in my compassion, I don't want to offend anyone, because when you've been captivated by mendacity.....the truth is going to annoy you, but it will lamentably not take root and perhaps challenge your thought processes.
And I didn't end it with "and .... that's what you voted for" this time....
Oh wait...
If you could reason with MAGA, there would be no MAGA.
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