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: This may also have to do with the fact that
: he is not only a military man, but seems to
: be culturally as well as linguistically more
: attuned to the ways of his mother's homeland
: than his own.
: Well, if that's the case, his cultural
: affinity for his mother's country does not
: seem to extend to rushing to copy its
: political system.
I have thought about this. It seems to be rather common, though, as one thinks back over the past century and a half or so on all the monarchs and dictators who have been British-educated and strongly anglophile, yet have not adopted (or have felt unable to adopt) the respect for rule of law and constitutional values at the heart of the state which they so admired. The list is endless. It even includes relatives of the British royal family, such as the last Empress of Russia.
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