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: --Previous Message--
: I noticed that not long ago Prince Bandar
: bin Turqi
: He is actually Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the
: son of the deceased former Crown Prince,
: Sultan bin Abdulaziz.
Yep, my mistake. I realized after I posted.
: According to this article (below), he seems
: to have fallen out of favour with the Saudi
: elite and is no longer as trusted as he was
: by either them or the Americans. He no
: longer seems to be as much of a front runner
: as a potential future king.
Thank you for the link.
: At the moment, unless there is a major
: shake-up imminent in the leadership, I
: suspect the tradition of 'Buggins' Turn'
: amongst the surviving sons of the late King
: Abdulaziz will continue to operate as each
: of them patiently waits his turn to succeed
: the brother or half-brother before him. Only
: when they finally run out of brothers, will
: sons and nephews finally get their turn and
: how old will most of them be by then?
: The Saudi regime was founded on close
: cooperation with virtual religious
: fundamentalists (the Wahhabis) so their
: freedom to manoevure in favour of more
: liberalization will always be severely
: hampered so long as the Wahhabi religious
: establishment continues to wield the upper
: hand.
Indeed. It is hard to see how such a regime can survive, or even why it should. I'm sure whatever comes next will probably be worse (as happened in Iran, in which a corrupt a tyrannical monarchy was replaced by an even more corrupt and tyrannical theocracy), but come the revolution, I for one will shed no tears for the House of Saud. (Most of them will probably be my neighbors in Northern Virginia, anyway, since lots of gulf Arab royals already own lots of the real estate around here and elsewhere in Greater Washington!)
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