I can't help but wonder just how long Saudi Arabia can continue to function with an endless succession of sick and dying old men waiting their turn to take the helm of the world's most oil-rich country!
on 9/1/2015, 22:33:44, in reply to "Re: King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia hospitalised"
: "Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah is
: suffering from a lung infection and has been
: breathing with the aid of a tube, Saudi
: officials have said".
: He is 90 years old, so he is living on
: overtime...
: But the Crown Prince has just turned 79!
This is what his Wiki entry has to say about him:
"In August 2010, Prince Salman underwent spine surgery in the United States and remained out of the kingdom for recovery. He had one stroke and despite physiotherapy, his left arm does not work as well as his right. After his appointment as Crown Prince various analysts including Simon Henderson argue that he is suffering from dementia. In addition, he is believed to be suffering from Alzheimer's disease."
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