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    Illinois Debt Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on July 7, 2017, 5:10 pm

    We can fix the debt mess in Illinois and not raise taxes on good working people. Fine all the dumba$$es who text while driving down the highway, sitting at a stoplight or while looking for a parking spot at Lowes.

    Shouldn't take more than a weekend to raise enough cash from these idiots that create a driving hazard for the rest of us.

    Personally, I have Mrs. O. film them when we pull up next to one on the highway. Hopefully they'll think we're turning in the video and their license number to the state cops.

    Hey assclowns, no one you are texting is more important than the family of the person you might kill with your stupidity. Nothing you have to say to anyone has any meaning more than the obituary of the person you run into while you're telling your friend what you plan to do tonight.

    In other words, get off your stupid texting kick. You're really not all that important and if you injure or kill someone in my family, pray God takes you before I do.

    This especially goes to the idiot in the red Ford F 150 who was crossing the yellow line on route 3 awhile ago while going through the intersection in front of Lowes.

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