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    Re: ps.... Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on February 11, 2011, 4:52 pm, in reply to "Re: ps...."

    I don't bash your name. I play fair.

    You invited us to the blog. I have nothing against your artwork.

    But your site is artwork mixed with words. It sticks out! Sorry one thing caught peoples' eyes more than another thing. And I don't think it's a bit stupid. What's there is there, the site is a total package.

    Don't look at the fact Granite City is a forgettable town or some small metro East steel town. (How many Metro East Steel towns are there?) How many have an Edison Ave running through its core?

    I never commented on your ability to pay rent, that's your business. My brand of conversation doesn't get personal unless someone else invites me to do so.

    Again I'm not bashing your artwork. I don't know your genre well enough to critique it. That doesn't make me stupid, or unsophisticated - it just means I'm not in a place to say much more than 'like it - would hang in house' or 'don't like it - don't hang in house.'

    If you want people to see only your art -- then don't use words.

    Try it next time. Do a blog with no words and only pictures. I bet you get all kinds of compliments.

    I have not seen anyone make stupid remarks or be 'haters'. I think those labels could possibly be projections, but I don't want to get into the psychological realm of things today, again, good ol 3Dee is in a good mood!

    Sometimes -- you do it to yourself, or you can blame it on your friend.

    IF you want the focus to be only on the art - then don't use words that will assuredly distract the focus.

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