I watched The Big Bluff about a year ago and thought it was a solid enough effort for a low budget effort. Martha Vickers, who often was a bad girl, plays against type and John Bromfield rises above his stud muffin looks to create a believable image of a quasi-debauched Latin lover. One IMDb reviewer said this was more of a crime drama than a noir, because the central character (Bromfield) isn’t morally ambiguous. Hell, noir is filled with characters who aren’t morally ambiguous. What we have is a wonderful sense of irony in the ending when Bromfield is hauled away by the cops, As Al Roberts says in DETOUR – “Whichever way you turn, fate sticks out a foot to trip you”. The Latin lover is tripped up being arrested for a murder he didn’t commit. Sweet, that’s noir, very Camus-like. The moral universe is absurd.