on 5/26/2023, 9:26 am, in reply to "Re: YouTube link: THE SECRET OF CONVICT LAKE (1951)"
Those who may not yet have spent time at Colin's blog can read about the film in the 2011 entry about it:
And of course there is much, much more to be found there--including Mr. Gord Gates, who seems to have lost his access to the Blackboard but fortunately is still alive and well up in Winnipeg. He has been a prolific presence in the comments section for quite some time now, including the blog's most recent entry--a discussion of THEY DRIVE BY NIGHT.
I did find a sizable cache of NOTWs, however, and will begin reprinting them here in the near future. (Sadly, it appears that Steve Eifert has given up on maintaining his NOTW archive, as the former means of access that he'd provided to us for reprints has stopped working. The most recent sighting of Steve was a Facebook post from last month in which he indicated that he'd "be offline for awhile," which suggests the possibility of some type of health issues. We will continue to monitor the situation and hope for the best...)