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    Re: Ryan O地eal (RIP) Archived Message

    Posted by Deeter_the_Pearls on December 9, 2023, 12:21 pm, in reply to "Re: Ryan O地eal (RIP)"

    I didn't even know where or what the Harrington was (two completely different Harrington menshes in one thread; sheer WSAGery), let alone 'speeding'. I think I remember being amazed that she was still able to stand after so much Sunday afternoon booze, and that I'd have been on my back after four pints of Grunhalle.

    She was probably ale sober but completely drilled beyond belief (although it was hard to notice the difference tbh; she was like that from first thing every morning and ultra, ultra intelligent with it; toxic stuff).

    I was just so aware but unaware about drugs then. Example, I remember being shocked circa 1987 when hearing that a lad sitting in a group of us in the pub had 'done a spliff' beforehand. I deffo remember wondering where on earth he'd managed to get 'grass' from, as though he must have been jetting back and forth to Jamaica or wherever.

    Naive doesn't cover it.

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